Tiger lily and flower names / by Raymond Hui

This time of the year, these tiger lilies can be found in the a few gardens in Toronto. Although cone flowers are more popular, the characteristic color, shape and orientation of these make them stand out.

The name tiger lily is used for at least two species of flowers. To add to the potential confusion, lilies with downward facing flowers and recurved petals featuring "freckles" are often of the species Lilium martagon, but I have not seen them in orange. And then there is the species Lilium superbum (no typo), which may also have orange down-turning, freckled flowers.

Despite the taxonomical complexity, the flowers in my Instagram post are unmistakably (unless I am mistaken) tiger lilies of the species Lilium lancifolium (Asian origins).

These flowers were shot using a strobe; in daylight no less. This is a technique I am doing more of, when natural light isn't coming from the direction I prefer. It allows me to better separate the flowers of interest from the background.